Is Christmas celebrated in nursing homes?
For many, the holidays mean a trip to their hometowns and villages, a warm meeting with close and distant relatives, feasts and memories at the table. Of course, in the conditions of COVID-19, the traditional visits will not be the same, but in our country, there is a hope that this is the last Christmas in which we will be distanced, so that there are many others in which to be close to the whole family.
Nevertheless, the brightest holidays have already begun and wherever we are, we and our loved ones must do everything in our power to ignite the Christmas spirit and at least close the window of care for a while. Today, we will tell you how with the right approach we can bring a festive mood to our parent, grandparent or other loved one who already lives in a nursing home. We will show you that even though he has changed his home, this does not stop him from preparing his favorite pie or decorating the room, and why not the whole house if he wishes? Homemade Christmas fun in nursing home is a mission possible and we will give you some tips on how it can be created.
Preparing a favorite holiday dish
Nursing homes such as Blocks have a kitchen in each family home that can be used continuously as long as residents are willing to prepare their own food, even though they do not have to. A wonderful opportunity to create Christmas coziness in the homes is the preparation of a favorite dish by the residents. Delicious pie, traditional bread with a coin or a pumpkin dish – what made them head chefs of household may be their specialty now. What better home than one that smells of home cooked food?
Christmas decoration in the room
Every home takes out the boxes with lights, garlands, colored balls and wreaths after mid-November. Decorating can make you feel cozy under the flashing lights. Traditions that lift the spirits and remind us that we create the warm feelings in a home. That is why a small Christmas tree, decorations and garlands in every room in nursing homes can create a real festive feeling. Every little detail such as cheerful and colorful room can remind residents that they are at home where customs are important.
Prize for the best Christmas door decoration wins…
The decoration can also become a game that will further revive the holiday. What is Christmas without smiles and cheerful noise? Every resident can get Christmas decorations to decorate the door of their room. Since the colors of the doors are different (see “My door is blue!”), each would go with a certain decoration more than another. That is why they will have the opportunity to think, choose colorful decorations and put them on the door as they see fit.
Christmas cake baking class
The holidays are associated with eating and our older relatives usually want everyone around them to be full, so their meals are prepared with taste and love. Give them a reason to make the most appetizing cookies, cake or pie together. Before Christmas, a special baking class can be organized in which groups of two or three residents can help each other in the kitchen to make delicious pastries and have fun. This will help them come together and make the others in the house feel like family.
Book of memories
As we have already told you, in the adult homes of the Blocks type next to each room there is the so-called memory box. A box of memories in which each resident can keep favorite items and valuables to remind him of home. Since Christmas is for the family, in the days around the holiday everyone can share a favorite Christmas memory. Home assistants will encourage residents to tell stories, and their stories can be recorded in the books of memories, which will find a place in the main room – a great occasion to get closer and leave a personal touch in their new home.
The right gift
Of course, the best gift we can give a loved one in a nursing home is time. Time spent with him and other family members during the holidays. But if conditions do not allow it, we give you a few ideas to show attention and love to your loved ones:
• New calendar, which marks important family dates – birthdays, anniversaries, upcoming celebrations
• New comfortable and warm clothes
• Photo or picture of loved ones
• Books or magazines
• Subscription to a newspaper or magazine
• New, soft robe and slippers
• A beautiful notebooks in which to write notes or thoughts