Medical checkups are important, but we do not have time for them. Why?

How often do you say to people “Be healthy and well because that is the most important thing” and how often do you make an appointment for a checkup to make sure the most important thing is actually safe? Jordan Peterson writes in his book “12 Rules for Life” – “Treat yourself as someone you love” and gives your dog as an example. If he needs medical attention, you will immediately take him to a doctor and strictly follow the treatment that the doctor has prescribed. Person says: “But 1/3 of people ignore the medical prescriptions given to them and often do not even go for an examination, even though they feel unwell.

We usually justify this with a lot of tasks in the office, a busy week that turns into a month, or we feel in excellent condition and do not see the point of going for a preventive examination. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which left millions of people at home, even more people were restricted to visit their doctors or chose to wait if laboratory tests are needed. However, regular checkups continue to be an important preventive care, as they can detect symptoms or signs of (severe) disease at the earliest stage – when the disease is still reversible and treatable. Of course, not every routine checkup ends with hearing the worst news, but in any case, if this is the case, it is better for you and your loved ones to hear it on time.

We will use the article today to share with you a few reasons why preventive care and regular testing are more important than ever. And, of course, we will share at least some of the checkups that you should not miss every six months or at least one a year.

Early detection of cancer and other conditions

Many routine screenings such as mammography, smear, and colonoscopy, are designed to detect early signs of cancer. It is recommended that these screenings be done at least every six months to minimize the chances of being diagnosed with cancer. The cancer affects each patient differently and there would be a significant difference if it was localized in time before it could affect other areas of the body. In addition, the late diagnosis of this disease often means that the patient may not “respond” to treatment, or at least not as quickly and noticeably as in the earliest stage. Many cancer types do not even show physical signs during the early stages, so some screenings can detect them in their infancy. The “Intimate Health” package, which is offered at Blocks Medical Center is aimed at the early diagnosis of breast cancer – the most common cancer in women.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Every year, millions of people worldwide get sexually transmitted infections. Fighting these diseases is among the most severe and, if not treated in time, can lead to serious damage to the body, including infertility. Prevention is an extremely important factor in the fight against these diseases, but in the event of risky contact, it is advisable to do the necessary tests. Timely screening will help to start rapid treatment while the infection is at the earliest stage, or vice versa, will ensure a piece of mind. For example, Blocks Medical Center offers a “Tranquility” package which includes tests for HBsAg (Hepatitis B), Anti-HCV (Hepatitis C), Wass (Syphilis), Chlamydia IgM (Chlamydia). Only a venous blood sample is needed for the test in the morning.


Blood tests are performed throughout the year, they are done extremely quickly, and you can easily get information about complete blood count, cholesterol, thyroid parameters, liver enzyme markers and more. For instance, in our country, more and more young women suffer from autoimmune diseases of the thyroid, but most of them do not even suspect that they have a problem. The disease usually affects the brain, growth, menstrual cycle and the course of pregnancy. Thyroid disorders are usually found when patients go to the doctor with a complaint of fatigue, drowsiness, hair loss or brittle nails. Then screening tests are ordered, which include measuring the level of the hormone TSH and the antibodies of the thyroid gland – thyroglobulin (TAT) and microsomal (MAT)

Tests on patients with COVID-19

In the last two years, the list of checkups (even mandatory due to the insidious virus) tests includes a comprehensive examination of the body after a coronavirus. In some cases, as you know, it proceeds mildly, without visible and palpable symptoms, but this does not mean there is no damage on some body organs, regardless of age, sex or weight. However, despite the lack of symptoms, complications in the body are not excluded, which can be identified by examining several key indicators. They indicate inflammatory processes in the body, damage or altered function of organs such as liver, gall bladder or kidneys and can give an overall assessment of the health of the body.

The average time from beginning to clinical recovery for mild cases of COVID-19 is approximately two weeks, while the heavier is between three and six weeks. After this period, it is recommended to perform tests of Anti SARS-COV2-IgG, complete blood count with differential count (for infection), C-reactive protein (CRP), alanine aminotransferase (ALAT), GGT enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), ferritin, creatinine. You can read more about the tests in the description of the package “After COVID-19” of Blocks Medical Center.

You need to spend less than a day to do the necessary tests and feel comfortable with your health. Finally, there are more prevention advises that could be shared, but the ones provided in this article are a good place to start in order to appreciate yourself, your body and your lifestyle more.

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