Spring cards

Birthdays in Blocks

Spring decoration

8th of March at Blocks

Happy March 3, Bulgaria!

Happy Baba Marta!

Decoration for Baba Marta

Trifon Zarezan in Blocks

More decorations for Tryphon Zarezan

Decoration for Tryphon Zarezan

Stacking puzzles

Dancing at the Blocks

Happy New Year 2023!

Merry Christmas!

Blocks’ survachki

Blocks’ Christmas tree

Decorating a Christmas tree

Christmas cards

Word game in Blocks

Basketball at Blocks

Tanya’s Banana Bread

Tinka Raykova’s 81st birthday

Autumn trees

84th Birthday of Ekaterina Mateva

Homemade banitza

Sponge painting

Coloring of revival houses

94 Birthday of Lydia Rabrovyanska

A nice summer day in Blocks

Visit to the National History Museum

International Chess Day

75 Birthday of Zlatka Boyanova

76 Birthday of Lilana Georgieva

World Ice Cream Day

Walk in the botanical garden

Special guest at Blocks

Crafting ceramic decoration

World Chocolate Day

Another beautiful day at the zoo

One day at the zoo

Music therapy in Blocks

Happy Birthday, Slavcho!

Knitting and chess in Blocks

Happy 84th Birthday Grandma Siike!

Playback Theater in Blocks

May 24th – Slavic writing and culture Day

Literary reading in the gardens of Blocks

Drawing mandalas in Blocks

Ball games

It’s Easter!

Painting eggs in Blocks

It is Tzvetnica!

Easter mood

Spring day in Blocks

Easter decoration

Happy 87th Birthday, grandpa Hristo!

Spring mood in Blocks

Free time in Blocks

Happy 95th Birthday, Grandma Mariyke!

Board games

World Social Work Day

Happy 8th of March!

Happy MARCH 3, Bulgaria!

Happy Baba Marta!

More martenitsas for Baba Marta

Happy 86th Birthday, Grandma Boyanka!

Crafting Martenitsas

In Blocks we are in love with Life!

Happy 78th Birthday, Grandma Krasi!

Decoration for Trifon Zarezan

Happy 85th Birthday, Grandma Reni!

Morning Exercises in Blocks

69 years since the wedding of the Mutevi family

Our favorite cookies

Bowling in Blocks

Preparing Christmas Gifts

Crafting Christmas Cards

Crafting Christmas Toys

Sweet smell of Christmas cookies

Preparations for the new year celebrations.

Christmas Decoration at Blocks

First snow

The world pear day in Blocks

Christmas cards in Blocks

Christmas spirit in Blocks

Crafting Christmas decorations in Blocks

Our residents love to draw

Color therapy in Blocks

Temelko celebrated his 79th birthday in Blocks.

Welcome back, Grandma Sevda!

Autumn day in BLOCKS

Farewell Party in BLOCKS

Anniversary at Blocks Senior Living

Group meetings in BLOCKS

New Haircuts in Blocks

Morning routine in Blocks

А chess game in Blocks

Occupational Therapy in Blocks

Painting in Blocks

Morning routine for seniors

In Blocks the month of July started with cheerfulness and folklore dance