What are older people afraid of when they hear a “Nursing Home”
Many adults experience fear and anxiety when they hear that it is better for them to move to a nursing home. Quite normal for people who have spent half, and sometimes even more of their lives in one home. Probably the home in which they started families, raised children and shared good and bad. Today, we will reveal to you some of the biggest fears that arise in the minds of our older relatives and friends at the thought of moving to a new home and we will share with you why there is no reason for their concern.
The mass understanding is that once you grow old and they “send” you to a nursing home, then there is no one to take care of you. Forget it. The truth is that the vast majority of fears like this are completely unfounded and wrong. Here are some of them.
1. “I will be lonely and bored”
With the activities and amenities offered in today’s nursing homes, our loved ones do not have time to be bored. At any time, they can engage in group exercise, play board games, cards, sing, watch movies, or simply talk and share with others. When you think about it, the new home offers many more opportunities and activities than their personal homes in which (in most cases) they are left alone.
2. “I am afraid I won’t get the best care possible”
To avoid this fear, we must make informed choices. We need to show our parents or loved ones what the opportunities, conditions and amenities are. It is important to reassure yourself and them that this is the best place, providing professionals who will take extra care for their specific needs. Caregivers, on the other hand, must maintain regular contact with the relatives of the resident, especially during the first weeks of his relocation. In this way, we will build an even stronger bond and eradicate anxiety in its infancy.
3. “I will grow old and get sick faster”
Living in isolation and loneliness is what can lead our loved ones to aging faster and possible getting sick. Our life now, during COVID-19 is a clear example of all the anxieties we face mentally, regardless of age. Closed, alone and separated from the world, we resort to anxious thoughts much faster than if we are in a social environment. The contacts that are made in nursing homes are key to better health and quality of life. If an adult relative has Alzheimer’s disease, for example, memory care, daily stimulation, planned activities, personalized care at home – all of them, combined, will slow the development of the disease and even improve health and behavior.
4. “I will lose my independence”
In fact, the opposite is true. If our elderly relatives choose the “new” way of life, they will realize how comfortable it could be. Routine activities such as cleaning, cooking and other familiar duties, which will now be taken care of by home assistants will be eliminated. In return, residents will receive valuable free time, which they can use as they wish, with a number of social activities instead of household chores.
5. “Control over my life is no longer mine”
Moving to a new home requires time and adjustment for each of the residents. It is good, and more than important to take the worries of our loved ones seriously and with understanding, but also to assure them that the change does not necessarily means to give up their long-standing habits. On the contrary – home assistants in nursing homes aim to keep their favorite habits and hobbies so that residents feel comfortable and relaxed.
It is important to emphasize the safety and security we want to provide for our loved ones when they can no longer take care of themselves. Today, nursing homes such as Blocks guarantee independence and privacy, allowing every resident to receive the necessary care without compromising his or her dignity.
6. “People will forget about me”
Sometimes our elderly relatives think that when they move to a nursing home, they will be left alone, and their acquaintances will not even remember them. Changing homes does not mean losing these connections – they will be encouraged to keep them and even make then even stronger! If real, physical contact is not possible, they will be able to make video or phone calls, which will give them peace of mind and help them adjust more quickly. At the same time, old people’s homes provide new opportunities for social contacts and the advantage is the guaranteed help on the spot when needed.
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